Our Mission

We aim to create a woven fabric that holds every mother, every family who needs it, every time. We aim to create a sanctuary for pregnant and postpartum families who are struggling and help them find support, healing, and empowerment. We aim to break down barriers inhibiting each family from getting care and place that care back in the hands of our community. Through sponsorship and funding, we holistically support families while connecting them with the resources they need.

what families may need, what we can provide

The services listed below are incredibly useful and sometimes necessary for a families to function in society. It may seem dramatic. It's not. These services, however, are rarely covered by government funding leaving families searching and fighting for support, causing more stress and trauma when they least need it.

Birth Doula Support - There is substantial evidence that simply says having a birth doula reduces the rates of interventions, cesarean, birth trauma and increases the overall perception of the birth so that the people receiving care view it as positive. Having a positive birth experience is directly linked to lower rates of postpartum mood disorders and how direct family members ultimately care for their baby in those early days/weeks/months and even years. A positive birth experience, regardless of how one chooses to birth, sets the entire family up for how they view and navigate parenthood.

Postpartum Doula Support - A postpartum doula usually joins the person or family before they have baby and helps prepare them for their postpartum journey. She then supports and helps "mother the m[o]ther" by taking care of simple needs, such as light house keeping and meal preparation, as well as deeper emotional needs, by being trained on how to recognize postpartum mood disorders and how to deeply hold space so that they truly feels nurtured and can heal. A postpartum doula helps the m[o]ther create their village, a common practice now lost in western society, by connecting them with resources and gently empowering them to meet their needs. For more information on birth and postpartum doulas please visit SacredRootsDoula.com or dona.org.

Psychologists - A person seeking help during their postpartum journey is in a particularly vulnerable state and needs someone who understands the passing nature of what they are experiencing. This may include dealing with the transition into parenthood, processing their birth story, birth trauma, PTSD, or an array postpartum mood disorders that could potentially put the life of the parent or baby at risk. Everyone needs easy access to help during these precious times but are often unable to find support, cannot afford private care or are embarrassed or unable to ask for help.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy - We are changed by birth. Women may joke that running will never be the same, but in reality it can be! A pelvic floor physio can help with minor annoyances such as leaking or incontinence, but can also help heal birth trauma, pain during intercourse as well as other incredibly limiting afflictions.

Osteopathic, Craniosacral & Chiropractic Care - As a lactation counselor and doula I have worked with countless babies who are struggling due to being misaligned given the nature of birth. These include trouble latching and nursing, colic, stomach issues etc. Parents will often be brushed off and told "some babies are like that" but in reality a gentle adjustment is needed. Baby is instantly able to nurse, poo and sleep. A happy baby means a happy family! M[o]thers almost always benefit from an adjustment as well, they've just carried a baby for 9 months and gone through labor and birth!

Naturopathic Support - There is more and more research being done to support something that natural practitioners have known for a long time; that distress within the body, particularly postpartum, can be cared for in a holistic way. That physical imbalances have a direct impact on our mental functioning and perception of experience. Hormonal imbalances can be the cause of postpartum mood disorders. Therapies that re-align these systems, while balancing them with sleep and other therapies, are incredibly successful.

Mother Honoring Ceremonies - Cultures around the world have several traditions that honor the birth givers journey from maiden to mother, that support and nourish them for their "Golden Month" or first 40 days postpartum, that warm them, encourage and set them up for success as a parent with each child they birth. These Honoring Ceremonies celebrate the birth giver with an array of services that may include  a closing ceremony, hot stone compress, massage, moxibustion and belly binding. The parent is cherished and celebrated which often leads to deep healing, regardless of how long ago they birthed their child.

Nutritional Support - 90% of serotonin, the "happy hormone," is produced in the digestive tract. It makes sense that anxiety and stress lead to digestive issues, but alternatively a healthy diet can lead to a happier, more positive life! Many families desire to learn about healthy diet but are often restricted. We aim to connect them with classes, resources, and meal support.


Photo - Kimberly Rich Photography